Thursday, 13 January 2011

Superhero Contest

Part of the reason why I think I love photography and taking photos so much is because of the memories that come with the image. Very often, when I take a picture that I really like I will look back on it and remember that moment. This is one of the pictures:

A Good friend of mine bought Eden this baby "Supersnap Suit" I hadn't dressed Eden in it as the sizing was bigger than what she was at - at the time but thankfully one day I decided to dress her in it. I was soooo lucky because it was a little tight because she was such a chunky monkey!! So thankfully I got some cute snaps of it. I am glad I did, because she is my superhero, I love her to bits..

Anyway, I am so happy to once again share this, and also because I am entering it into Photofreaks contest this week.

Check it our here: 


  1. I agree.. I love the memories that come with images. Thats why i enjoy photography so much!

    I love your blog! I am a new follower! :D

  2. That's just about the cutest superhero I've ever seen!
