Sunday, 5 September 2010

13 hours to go

The time has come and my baby goes to nursery tomorrow. Everything is packed up ready and has been checked and double checked:

nappies,baby cereal,sun cream, cordial, sippy cup, calpol, snacks, teething get, formula, dummy chain, sun hat, info list.... hmmmmm just need a baby now!

I have been seriously putting off thinking about this but it all has to be done now. It is 18 months since I was at work, following pregnancy complications I was sick for the remainder of my pregnancy from around 12 weeks followed by a full year maternity leave. I have very mixed feelings about tomorrow.

Dad is taking Eden in and she will only spend a couple of hours there tomorrow. I really hope she is ok and enjoys it.

   Shel x


  1. awww no worries (if only that worked just because someone said it...) I'm sure it will be okay! Just takes lots of deep breaths!

  2. Aww! I bet your not looking forward to leaving her? Though you might feel a little more human by going back to work.
    I hope both your first day's go well xxx

  3. I hope your first day goes great! : )
